Sjusjøen Husky Tours is Eco-Lighthouse certified. Here is a look into our environmental efforts and social responsibility.
About Eco-Lighthouse
Eco-Lighthouse is Norway's most widely used certification scheme for enterprises seeking to document their environmental efforts and demonstrate social responsibility.
Eco-Lighthouse enterprises work towards satisfying requirements and implementing environmental measures on a systematic and ongoing basis in order to create more environmentally friendly operations and safer work environments.
The Eco-Lighthouse Foundation has prepared industry-specific requirements for a range of different industries. Enterprises are certified subject to independent assessment and must undergo a recertification process every three years. They are also required to submit annual environmental reports. The Eco-Lighthouse certification scheme has been approved by the Norwegian public procurement authorities.
Here is our 15km route. After snow has gone you will not be able to spot any sign from our activity in the nature.
Our main environmental and social targets
Our winter tours are arranged in a tourist area at Sjusjøen not in the way for any wild animal. We emphasise that snow on the side of our trails should stay untouched like this.
Environmental efforts
Waste management both at the kennel and at the touring place at Sjusjøen
Train dogs with carts that have no engine
Produce our own dog food as much as possible. That is very often old horses that need to be put down.
Always satisfy requirements and regulations from authorities. Like making our trails as agreed on in the winter and stick to roads/paths in the summer.
Constantly work to improve environmental performance like minimize energy use, transport and choice of suppliers. Our touring location is run with no electricity. However we need transport of dogs and working team from the kennel, and also some use of snow mobile to fix dog trails.
Sjusjøen Husky Tours should always be an attractive workplace where all employees feel safe, happy, valued and well skilled.
Security is always emphasized, not only for employees but also for dogs and guests. That is the main reason for our decision to hire experienced people only.
Dog welfare is always our highest priority. That is described on a separate page here.
Annual reports
Almost all mushers use ATV/UTV for training big dog teams. We use Flarken Karts that are completely without engine and a lot more safe.
As often as possible we produce our own dog food, from animals that humans do not want to eat - like old horses. That also means dogfood with noe packaging and a lot less waste.
22 dogs are ok with the largest Flarken that we have, our boss behind the steering and some extra weight - usually water.
Our employees are usually from abroad and we focus on maling them feel valued and included. Here, Britta and Bjarne from Germany joined us watching the children’s parade 17th of May..